Coping With Your Emotions

The way you cope with your emotions throughout your treatment journey can have a big impact on your wellbeing.

Coping with your emotions

It’s normal to experience a variety of complicated emotions while you’re adjusting to life with chronic kidney disease (CKD). It’s important to be open with yourself about what you’re feeling and let yourself experience these emotions without judgment. Embracing your feelings and sharing your concerns about your condition is a big step towards channelling them into positive changes in your mindset.

Følelser, som du kan opleve, mens du får dialyse

Emotions That you Might Experience

With any major life change comes a rush of emotions. A chronic kidney disease (CKD) diagnosis is no different. Life on dialysis requires physical and mental energy, and you may at times feel overwhelmed by the emotional challenges it brings.

Read more about the emotions you may experience 

Få den følelsesmæssige støtte, som du har brug for, mens du får dialyse

Getting the Support You Need

Remember that you are not alone with your condition. Your clinician and the other members of your healthcare team can connect you with the support you may need to manage your emotions. To get the most out of this support network, you may need to take the lead – asking questions, reporting symptoms and educating yourself about your condition. Caregivers and family members can also play an important role in providing emotional support.

It’s important that you are very honest with your clinical team about the emotions you are feeling. You may have access to a social worker or a psychologist within your clinic team. If you are feeling helpless, speak with your doctor. If you are unable to speak with your healthcare team about your emotions, you can reach out to local public resources.


Are You a Caregiver or Does Someone You Love Need to Go on Dialysis?​​​​​​​

Being a caregiver or a loved one to a dialysis patient means that your life will change in one way or another. Knowing what to expect will help prepare you for the journey ahead. Read more about what to expect, how you can support your loved one, and why it is important to care for yourself.

Learn more

Where to go next?

Dit intime liv mens du får dialyse


It is possible for you to maintain intimate relationships while you’re on dialysis. Learn more about intimacy and dialysis.

Motion mens du får dialyse

Exercise and Dialysis

Staying physically healthy can help you get the most out of your treatment. Learn about ways you can be active while on dialysis.

Rejser mens du får dialyse

Traveling on Dialysis

It may still be possible for you to travel while you’re being treated for chronic kidney disease (CKD). Learn more about traveling on dialysis.